Another snowstorm is starting in the Northland. The forecast has us getting blasted with 4 to 8 inches of snow, but more importantly 30+ mph winds off Lake Superior. Earlier this morning my youngest son, Erik, drove me over to Sax-Zim Bog. I thought it would be perfect weather for finding owls … dark, overcast and zippo winds. The owls thought otherwise. However after this storm ends in two days the birds WILL be hungry.
Upon getting home I had a new device to try in my fight against Blepharospasm, prescription swim googles. I did not go swimming, but took a short hike which is something my eyesight has prevented me from safely doing. While I only hiked for 1.5 miles, the goggles created a moisture chamber which allowed me average vision (good vision in my book). The birds rewarded my hike, both down near Brighton Beach and once I returned home.
Pileated Woodpecker as the snow just is getting started. From a photography vantage point you are looking at my top three images … out of 91 that I took in a little over one minute. If you do not use burst mode on a camera these photographs should be a vote in favor of that mode. While I had tons of blurry photographs, I had some nice pics which were in focus with a low ISO (high quality). In addition, the slow shutter speeds (1/15th of a second) allowed me to show the snow as streaming by the bird. In sunny conditions I might have a shutter speed of 1/1000th of a second to freeze action.
Mallards on Ice! All the water except Lake Superior have been frozen for over a month. Every winter hundreds of mallards jam into a small area every night where a stream provides some open water as it comes out from under a highway right next to the big lake (warmed by being underground). Our local raptors tend to learn about this duck bonanza as the winter progresses.
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Your pictures are stunning. I so hope that your vision problems continue to improve.
Thanks, Bonnie et al. I have decent days and bad days with respect to my vision. The hardest part is waiting for my first treatment … not till January 20th. The family is doing their best to keep my spirits up. Folks may start seeing more night photography over the next month on my blog. Bright light is painful and makes my vision much worse. I am trying!