Top Raptors of 2019

It is common to look back over a just completed year and reflect upon accomplishments. Readers of this blog should know by now I love raptors. Their majesty screams out upon finding them in the wild. I hope you enjoy this trip down memory lane. Hopefully I will be able to continue to spend quality time in the wilderness during 2020 and share these experiences with all of you. My first treatment for my vision disorder is early Monday morning, the 6th. Within seven days of the treatment I should start to understand what the future holds.

American Kestrel: I love this image because photographing Kestrels is so difficult. This species of bird is very shy, but I was able to hike into deep cover and watch this youngster screaming to be fed.

Northern Saw-whet Owl: I like a rare and easy find. This owl migrated through my neighborhood this fall, and a friend let me know of its whereabouts.

Cooper’s Hawk: When birds are in love and defending their territory, we humans often don’t exist. During a hike while on vacation in the Tucson area I found some Cooper’s Hawks having a strong disagreement. For over 15 minutes a screaming battle played out in the trees above me.

Great Horned Owl Family: Two of the five owls from this family that made the woods near my house their home this spring. I watched this family for almost two months. It appears the parents are back for another year!

Great Gray Owl … This juvenile which was practicing its hunting skills this past Fall almost appears to be praying. If you believe in God, please add me to your prayers this weekend. Thank you.

Snowy Owl Under a Crescent Moon: This image is special to me for several reasons. One aspect of my vision disorder, is my vision gets better in low light. After sunset on New Year’s Eve I found this owl on my own (huge thanks to my wife who drove me over to my owling grounds), and then I pulled off a once in a lifetime photograph.

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5 thoughts on “Top Raptors of 2019

  1. Beautiful pictures! I have a handicap which makes walking difficult, and so have enjoyed your photos! Best of luck with your health!

  2. You are in my prayers! Hopefully all works out with your treatments🙏🙏🙏. Love your e-mails!!!

  3. These are fantastic. And the Snowy is just absolutely magical. I promise to drive over to pick you up the next time you want to bird on my farm and surrounding areas.
    Best to you and yours and on Monday morning.

    1. Thanks Jeannette! Hopefully I will have success with my treatments and I will be able to not only see the world properly, but start an active life once more in the outside world … including driving my own car.

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