Railroad Yard Snowy Owls

The gift of sight is precious. Late yesterday afternoon I drove myself over to Superior, Wisconsin in search of Snowy Owls … let me repeat that fact … I drove MYSELF over to the owling grounds.  While my doctor had told me not to expect the BOTOX injections for Blepharospasm to be effective till after seven days, I apparently am one of the lucky individuals where the drug works quickly. Snake venom is now blocking the miscommunication between my brain and eyes.

I can see!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yesterday was the first time I have driven a car in two months. I also took a hike while it was still sunny and bright (impossible just five days ago). I traipsed through the deep snow in  the forest near my home on deer trails … easily seeing deadfall and stepping over same. I was searching for my local Great Horned Owls. This morning as I create this post at 7:15 am, my local owls are hooting away at me!  Nature is welcoming me back to its world of wonder. While the battle with Blepharospasm will now be a life long war, it appears as if I will have a life worth living which includes the gift of sight.

Here is one of the two Snowy Owls I found at the Superior Railroad yards. While the photo opportunity was not grand (blah skies and location), for me the image capture was one of the happiest of my life. Perhaps this female Snowy is yelling to the other nearby owl: “The gigs up … I think he sees us!” (Location … power poles south of the intersection of Hill Ave. and 24th Ave. E.)

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8 thoughts on “Railroad Yard Snowy Owls

  1. Congrats on your progress..sopleased for you…continue to thank your creator..its He alone who can restore what is lost!!!

  2. Congratulations to you and to the medical community that can offer such relief after study, testing, protocols. Botox injections in the last year have relieved me of numerous migraines, and made my life much better. Imagine having your sight dependably restored, just as I have had relief from painful migraines that limited life.

  3. Thanks everyone! Had another eye doctor appointment this morning and he is researching whether other issues might be in play ranging from Thyroid problems to possible Lyme Disease. Having said that, it is much happier around our home these days. I even get to go up to Sax-Zim Bog tomorrow. I am driving part way and meeting a friend. Thus, I do not have to strain my eyes or recent return to the driving world!

  4. I’m so happy for you! We all need your eyes. I was hoping to see a “Snowy” before we went South. Getting up earlier would probably increase my chances of that. LOL Thank you so much for your Blog. It’s the first thing I read in the morning. You keep me connected to all that feeds my soul.

  5. Great! Very happy for you. It wouldn’t have been many years ago that such a treatment wouldn’t have existed. Sight is a gift.

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