Or even northern Minnesota! This morning I drove over to the Corkscrew Swamp Sanctuary a bit southeast of Fort Myers. The sanctuary has a three mile boardwalk that winds through various habitat including a mangrove swamp. Wow … the habitat is amazing, and I have never walked within a Mangrove Swamp. I did not miss the frozen northern Minnesota bog!
The highlight of the morning for me was a lifer, the Painted Bunting. Better yet, by arriving close to opening at the Audubon sanctuary (7 am), I had a very private experience to begin with on the boardwalk. When I left just a bit before noon, the large parking lot was almost full. Moral to the story … bird early everywhere, but particularly in populous Florida.
Painted Bunting (male and female)
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Oh, so happy you’re here taking pics of our beautiful Florida birds. Looking forward to more:-)
Beautiful pics!
You must be loving the warmth Richard. A great collection of pics.
Simply gorgeous photos, Rich – and a welcome sight for us still in MN in our monochromatic vistas!
Congratulations on the lifer… what a wonderful find! That Anhinga is pretty cool, too.