Owl Trifecta: Boreal, Snowy & Northern Hawk Owl

I decided I needed to go over to Sax-Zim Bog and see the famous “Admiral Road Boreal Owl”. My hope was by visiting on a Tuesday afternoon the number of birders would be at an acceptable level. Thankfully it was only me and about 15 other folks. Apparently the weekend was crazy. The good news is everyone was being very quiet and allow the owl to hunt. This small owl shows up at the Admiral Road feeders about 2:00 pm in the afternoon when the spruce trees provide good shade, which allows the light sensitive owl to hunt. The feeders attract lots of mice and voles, and this owl is very much enjoying its visit to northern Minnesota … easy food.

Boreal Owl (video link for email subscribers)

On the way home, Greg G. and I enjoyed a private viewing experience with this beautiful Northern Hawk Owl.

Upon getting home, I dropped off Greg, and never even got out of my own car. It was off to Superior for evening Snowy Owls … my third owl species of the day.

Lady Showing Interest in a small dog.

I actually broke the “golden rule” of owling yesterday afternoon. Normally I am very, very quiet around owls, but when I while watching “Lady” in a quiet neighborhood, I realized she was quite interested in a small dog. While most owls are not capable of catching prey the size of a small dog, Snowies are not “most owls”. Anyhow I yelled over to the owner who was about to leave her dog out in the back yard and suggested that might not be a good idea.

Finally … the prior evening I had fun watching a different Snowy with Jeannette L.

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