Birthday Bald Eagles (and Hawk Owl)

Today is my 64th birthday … kind of strange with Coronavirus. Family can not come over. Oh well … there is still birding! I spent the morning in Sax-Zim Bog, and then came home to bicycle along the North Shore of Lake Superior. I finished the afternoon with hike over to my own Great Horned Owls (not owlets yet … or they are hiding under Mom). It was a fun day, just not what I would planned a few weeks ago.

Birthday Bald Eagles (all different birds migrating into the Northland)

Pine Tree Bird

Railroad Bird

Cedars Take-Off Bird

Not to be outdone, I found a Northern Hawk Owl. If I can still find it by April 7th it might actually be nesting! I was lucky the temperature was still below freezing (30F) and the sun had just come out. I was able to mostly walk on top of the crust. When I broke through the snow was still two feet deep. After spending 20 minutes with this owl, I decided I had better hoof it back to the road before the hike would become a real slog (i.e. each step would break through the crusted snow).

I have higher resolution versions of all these images, but I decided to optimize this post for faster loading.

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5 thoughts on “Birthday Bald Eagles (and Hawk Owl)

  1. How wonderful for the birds to celebrate you on your birthday! Thank you, as always, for sharing their glory with us. I often change my screen saver with one of your latest shots! I hope your vision continues to improve and that you and Molly can stay well. I pray we can all be together again soon. Next year’s birthday-big party!

  2. Happy belated birthday Rich. I think I saw you and Molly as my biking buddy and I whizzed down the shore yesterday. Beautiful images of these majestic birds. I thought of you Sunday as I encountered two bald and a golden eagle sparring with crows in tall pines at end of Park Point. Absolutely mesmerizing. Thanks for your work and inspiration shared with many. Trust and hope your vision issues are restored and responding to treatment. Believe the best is yet to come for those seeking God’s best. With appreciation, Tom

  3. Can’t think of a better way to spend a Birthday than with a Northern Hawk Owl. I am spending the morning watching Crows eat the left overs from our dinner! I neat sight

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