Friday Owl Night at the Movies!

Before Netflix. Before Hulu … and even before Amazon Prime there was Friday Night at the Movies. Youngsters will not remember the days when the family gathered around the TV and watched the one movie available via commercial “over the air” television station. Here is Duluth, Minnesota in the early 1960’s we had two options … NBC and CBS.

Thus … back to a simpler time. Here are some “stills” of the actors and actresses … the Great Horned Owl Triplets.

And the promised movies!

The Triplets a bit before sunset yesterday evening (email subscriber video link)

Sunrise crow attack … Mom & Dad will save me! (email subscriber video link)

Okay … maximize this image and count the owls. How many can you find? Only Dad is missing. The answer is four!

Finally, a few other birds are returning to the Northland. Two days ago I saw my first Red-Winged Blackbirds at a neighborhood pond. However, there is still snow in the woods (not much).

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