Great Horned Owl Daily Report!

It’s been four days since I’ve filed a Great Horned Owl triplet report. First, the basics … everyone is doing fine. I suspect we are seven days away from the first short hopping flights. At this stage, we have entered a point in the young owl’s lives called branching. This is an official term, not one I created. For young owls, branching is the period when they are not able to fly, but are able to walk around their nesting tree … onto different branches. Their talons are well developed which gives the young owls plenty of grip strength.

Here is a photograph and two videos which demonstrates branching. The actual nest has now been destroyed by the owlets (not on purpose), and the chicks were greeting the early morning sun a bit after sunrise. Today’s temperature is hanging out in the high 30’s, with a stiff NE wind off Lake Superior. Thus, the use of branching to get morning sun was appreciated by everyone.

Early this morning just after sunrise … Branching

A video taken at the same time this morning (video link for email subscribers)

A Great Horned Owl chick setting off on a walk! (video link for email subscribers)

Now it’s time just for fun photos! These images are a few of my favorites taken over the past four days

Seen from on high! (I am lying on the ground starting straight up about 40 feet)

Six Eyes!

Enjoying the morning sun!

The triplets go through an amazing amount of food, which keeps both parents very busy hunting. The two main items on the menu seem to be rabbits and crows.

Eating rabbit

Rabbit, not just for breakfast anymore (video link for email subscribers)

Thus, as you can see, the Great Horned Owl chicks are doing fine. I am generally visit the nest at dawn and dusk, weather permitting (i.e. I am a fair weather birder!)

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