Birding up here in the Boreal Forest of northern Minnesota has changed since I was a young boy. Back in the mid 1960’s I loved watching huge flocks of Evening Grosbeaks and Red Crossbills visit our family bird feeders. Both birds are now almost unheard of within the city limits of Duluth, and are even hard to find up at Sax-Zim Bog. Here is an excellent article about Evening Grosbeaks from BirdSource.Org.
While some of the birds I loved to watch are now a difficult find, this morning I found Bluebirds within Duluth city proper for the second time this spring … an unheard of experience and a first for me. While leaving Hartley Nature Center after a birding hike this morning, I heard Bluebird song, and I found not one, but two males singing next to the nature center. The other bird which has now become almost common here at the Head of the Lakes are cardinals. The cardinals which visit my own feeders now brave our fierce winters. Neither bird was even seen back in the 60’s. Both of these species have extended their territories northward. (read Audubon Article on climate change)
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Please do not use political terms such as climate change…or I will unsubscribe.
In the 1960s it was maybe 1 degree warmer….
In 1860….it was maybe 5 degrees colder [end of Little Ice Age]
In 1360…it was maybe 7 degrees warmer [end of the medieval warm period]
Things change, and yes keep the frickin’ air and water clean.
I love this blog because of your great and hard work taking pictures. Leave it that way.
Fritz: I apologize for using a politically charged term like climate change … mea culpa. We apparently agree that it is important to keep our air and water clean. I should have just stuck to the facts which indicate that the number of birds living in our world has decreased significantly in recent decades, and their ranges have changed (facts supported by Audubon Christmas bird counts and Cornell eBird lists). As a naturalist who spends significant time in the woods, I know my own experience includes personal observations which makes me wonder what is happening and why. Bluebirds and Cardinals in Duluth is unusual. Evening Grosbeaks and Red Crossbills in Duluth used to be common in the 1960’s.
In terms of whether you or others subscribe to this blog, please understand this web site costs me money yet I do not allow advertisements (many have asked). This blog will remain commercial free and I even permit private downloads of my images for offline use. In addition, during this Coronavirus Pandemic I am giving away the PDF versions of my children’s books for free. None of these actions make me a saint, but show my desire is to help others enjoy nature. While I hope you will continue to subscribe, I receive no financial benefit from yours, or anyone else’s subscription.
To those here who are offended by the term Climate Change:
My God. The Earth is not flat. Science is not political, but ignorance and mistrust of facts is completely political. The scientists have your best interest at heart when they devote themselves to study the Earth. Politicians only exploit the Earth for their personal wealth but have sadly convinced people to become ignorant about the truth, because it serves them.
Open your eyes man. Be a good Christian and protect this gift we call Earth. Don’t threaten to leave a great blog because the article mentions a SCIENTIFIC TERM! You are woefully brainwashed by charlatan politicians who don’t care about you, your children, nor the future of this planet.
I am so sad to read this article because Richard is giving his personal account of the truth of what he sees. We should be grateful to read about his experiences that go back to the 60s! He is confirming what the scientists have been warning us about since the 70s.
Stop following false prophets who will lead to all our demise, while you loyally and most blindly tow the party lines out of extreme stubbornness. You are being misled and it is so sad you can’t recognize it. The Bible warns about this sort of thing, but I worry you are too far gone to see the Light.
So, please, go ahead and live in the deceit politicians feed you, if you want to. If you can’t handle the truth and think it is political then you need to leave. But I pray for you that you take off your blinders and bias towards those in science who are your only friends. Politicians are no friend of your nor mine, brother.
You make me mad that you try to shove your beliefs down Richard’s throat and all of us with your threats…because he used the accurate scientific term Climate Change. Shame on you for such lowlife threats.
Richard, never apologize for using the term Climate Change. It is fact not politics. It makes me sad to hear your account of changes caused by climate change. It is not political. Any true Christian should care about these changes and see through the lies and brainwashing done against us all by greedy selfish politicians. I will be recommending your blog on social media because what you have to say about birds and the environment is so important.
Danny in Texas
PS. I am a Republican who follows old Republican values and not the so-called Reagan Conservative values that have ruined the party so far. I am a devout Christian who is informed about the Earth and science and believe it is us up to us to secure the future of this world given to us by God and also owned by future generations who have not been born. This selfish relatively new version of Republicanism is fake and has stayed too far off course. Real Republicans need to stand up and throw out ignorant false charlatan ideas. I am young and refuse to let an ignorant older generation on their way out cancel out the truth because it is too inconvenient to the bubble they live in now. Soon you will be gone and my generation will have to spend the rest of our lives cleaning up after your evil messes.
Danny … my mistake was to use a politicized term. I should have just stuck to the facts which would hopefully lead everyone to the same conclusions. I appreciate you support.
we just had one evening grossbeak in our yard today- the first in a long time
Interesting Pat!
usually we would see groups of them, not just a single bird