One hundred years ago most of northern Minnesota was clear cut by the logging industry. At the time, a logging railroad and bridge trestle bridge was constructed across Northstar Lake where I now own a cabin. Fast forward 100 years, and the Boreal Forest has reclaimed the land and the trestle is slowly falling into the lake. Little did these lumbermen know they had constructed the perfect Eastern Kingbird nest! For the second year in a row, a pair of kingbirds have nested in the exact same trestle … at the exact same location. I visited the nest by kayak two mornings ago.
Eastern Kingbird Nest in Logging Railroad Bridge Trestle
You may enjoy learning a bit about the last logs drives. I own a video that is almost identical to this film: From Stump to Ship (1930’s Log Drive). In my case the film is about the last log drive on the Little Fork River in northern Minnesota, not Maine. (video link for email subscribers)
After my kayak paddle, I took a 16 mile bicycle ride on Mn Hwy #48. This remote road is an annual trek for me in late June. The wildflowers are stupendous as evidenced by this photograph … Showy Ladyslippers, Buttercups and Canada Anemone
While most of my ride is through a forested area, there are a few meadows where I found these Courting Bobolinks! Get out there and enjoy Summer’s color.
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Your beautiful nature photos give me a break from this stressful world. Thanks for the emotional break.