Boreal Woodpecker School in Session!

The Pandemic has not caused this school to be moved online! The young woodpeckers of the Amity Creek Forest have been busy learning what tastes good. Yesterday I had parents with at least one youngster show up in my yard for each of the following species:

  • Downy Woodpeckers
  • Hairy Woodpeckers
  • Pileated Woodpeckers
  • Yellow-Shafted Woodpeckers (Northern Flicker)

My morning actually started 25 minutes before sunrise. Shortly before 5 am I started my early morning hike in search of Hoot. I have not been able to find her the past few days. I believe the Great Horned Owls are focusing upon different prey and are hunting in another area of the forest. I will keep looking.

Amity Creek Forest at 4:55 am (light fog pre-dawn glow)

Finally, here are some Woodpecker School images. Downys, Pileateds and Yellow-Shafted Woodpeckers.

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