Comet Neowise Aurora Borealis

There are special moments in life. Last night while viewing and photographing Comet Neowise, I suddenly realized that Lady Aurora was starting to dance! While her performance was subdued, in combination with the comet and it was truly a masterpiece. When the Northern Lights started to show some faint pillars I could see with my naked eye, I quickly through on my wide angle lens and captured these scenes.

My small Northwoods cabin is 60 miles south of the Canadian border in northern Minnesota. At 12:15 am last night in addition to the light show, I had Loons yodeling through the night, a Barred Owl hooting … “Who Cooks for You? Who Cooks for You?, and finally a Beaver was making its nightly rounds. When the Beaver surfaced less than five feet from my dock and did a HUGE tail slap, I almost went swimming in reaction!

Yes, it was truly a magical night on Northstar Lake. We have owned our piece of paradise for 30 years, and last night will definitely be recorded as epic in the cabin journal.

Lady Aurora Dances for Comet Neowise

7 thoughts on “Comet Neowise Aurora Borealis

    1. Yes … a triple capture! Pretty cool, and it would hard to have something else up in the sky!

  1. They are both amazing events and the combination is incredible. You’re a fortunate man in the right place at the right time.

    1. Believe me, I know. I was about to head off my dock when suddenly I realized I was watching faint Northern Lights pillars.

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