A Proper Pandemic Person

I did the proper thing yesterday morning. While birding by car near my cabin on a remote road, I saw a 70+ year old gentleman walking. 200 yards further down the road I saw a broken down 1930’s classic car. I did a U Turn and drove back and asked if the gentleman needed a ride. Yes! I drove him home … a bit over 3 miles. As a fyi cars only come by about one per 15 minutes on this road.

We should not let the Pandemic stop us from doing what is right. He even put on his mask as he got in my car … as then did I! While I did not see any birds of note, I had a great conversation with an individual who goes back further in the Suomi Hills than me.

Later in the afternoon Molly showed me this photograph. She had seen the car while cycling. I had not yet told here about my morning escapade!

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7 thoughts on “A Proper Pandemic Person

    1. Great to hear from you! Hoping all is well with you and your family out in West Virginia. Molly always enjoys your comments on her blog. She recognizes your handle, Principal Bird!

  1. That is the Random Act of Kindness. The gentleman you gave a ride was thankful.
    He doesn’t fell nearly as good as you. The magic of a Random Act of Kindness.
    I try to extend on every day.

  2. That is so awesome! I need to hear the civility, common sense, and neighborly kindness is still alive and well and being safe! You are a good man!
    So very much appreciate and enjoy your blog/ photos. Live in Lakeside and would love to meet you sometime.
    All God’s blessing to you!
    Karla E

    1. Would be great to meet a neighbor! Have you heard “Hoot” and family hunting at night? Listen for a two toned screech from the owlets … now full grown. They are begging to be fed.

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