Breakfast Berry Birding is done for another summer. For the past month whenever I have gone out bird hiking, I have always been able to finish off my breakfast with fresh berries. Back in July I enjoyed wild raspberries, while over the past two weeks I have been consuming lots of thimbleberries. Thus, if I am lucky in addition to red stained fingers when I get home, I have both a full stomach and some nice images! However, summer is ending and this morning while looking for Hoot I came up empty both in terms of finding my owl family AND any berries!
However, seasonal transitions bring other opportunities. Yesterday morning I decided to visit the Park Point beaches and Recreation Area for the first time this summer. While I found a few shorebirds on the sand, I struck paydirt upon checking the trees against St. Louis River Bay. A huge south wind was beginning to blow, and birds will declare a stop to migration in the face of stiff headwinds. Such was the case and I experienced a mini fallout as suddenly I was surrounded by large flocks of Eastern Kingbirds, Baltimore Orioles, Cedar Waxwings, and various Warblers. Yup … the bug eating birds are definitely exiting the northern forest. As most of you live south of me, get ready for migration. It’s coming soon!
Female Baltimore Oriole (could not determine if they were finding bugs in amonst the pine, or sipping some sap)
Eastern Kingbirds (these birds would fight over the best bug ambushing perches)
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