Fall Colors!

It’s nasty cold today … huge wind out of the NE off Lake Superior with some drizzle and clouds (50F).  In short, it is beautiful day to enjoy the Fall colors and photograph birds (and watch surfers on Lake Superior!). To take photos on a day like today one needs to push the ISO up, rely upon burst mode, and find birds. There is no shade or shadows to ruin an image, and colors are deep / intense.

Today’s player include: Red-Bellied Woodpeckers, Pileated Woodpeckers, Mourning Doves and of course … old “Blue!”

Now for a public safety announcement. Wear a helmet 100% of the time when cycling. Yesterday afternoon I had a nasty crash which resulted in road rash, a fractured rib or two and a BROKEN bicycle helmet. My Garmin which I always wear recorded I was motionless for over 12 minutes. Obviously I was knocked out for part of that time and received a minor concussion. The rest of the 12 minutes was spent sitting, stunned, next to the road. If I had not worn my helmet, I might not be creating this post.  It was very strange to wake up … stretched out on the ground and be staring directly up into the faces of two walkers. For 15 minutes I could not remember what had happened, or where I was … I just knew I hurt.

My bicycle helmet showing the crack right behind my temple area. Be safe!

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9 thoughts on “Fall Colors!

  1. Thanks for everyone’s kind wishes. I am recovering, albeit slowly. Two days post bike crash I am still very sore. My ribs hurt like crazy, which is making sleep very difficult. Needless to say I am not back on a bicycle.

  2. Rich — how very scary. I hope you got the potential concussion evaluated. Same admonition with horses — no helmet no ride. The colors in Bayfield county are fantastic, and today’s low clouds and fog have given a second banner migrating day for birds. Yesterday I even had many bluebirds still moving through.
    Stay safe, Jeannette

  3. Rich, very sorry to hear you had a bike crash, but glad it was not worse. Good advice about wearing a helmet. The pictures today are wonderful again, as usual. Take care and hope you mend quickly!

  4. I am so sorry you had a fall. Please take good care, recover quickly and be safe.
    Thanks so much for all the photos you post and for the adventures you share with us.

  5. Oh NO! Rest up and heal. Your pictures heal us. Now might be a good time for you to look at all your good work and soak up the Joy and Blessings you give us. healing energy coming your way, J

  6. oh, rich, we’re so very grateful you are ok. hoot will be very concerned. these are beautiful pictures- thanks for sharing. and please take it easy to get those ribs healed!

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