And yet more Fall Colors!

Rain drenched birds! Once I got home from my morning trip to Sax-Zim Bag, the drizzle arrived. For the past few days I have tried unsuccessfully to photograph a male purple finch against the Mountain Maples in my yard. Finally, in the rain, I succeeded! (okay … against Aspen leaves, not the brilliant red maples … oh well.)

And of course … the blue parade continues … just a wet parade.

Finally, I forgot to include this Red-Tailed Hawk photo I took up in the Bog this morning. This raptor took over the hunting duties when the owls went to bed!

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3 thoughts on “And yet more Fall Colors!

  1. Hope your recovery is going well…four days without a new post has me worried! As a cyclist, I know how hard pavement can be.
    I enjoy refreshing this page and seeing birds and landscape through your lens. I’m in Illinois; not that far from northern MN, so a trip north to see that amazing night sky in person is definitely on my list!

    1. Sally … thanks for your concern. My body is pretty sore and I am so wishful of being able to sleep properly (not possible right now due to pain). Each day is a bit better, but pavement diving is an activity which is not something to be recommended.

      1. I’m very glad that you’re on the mend. When not working remotely as now, I cycle commute ~5.5 miles each way in all but the very worst weather, so I’ve done my fair share of slipping in snow, ice, puddles of water, and once (so far) knocked over by a motorist rolling through a stop sign. As you said, always always always wear a helmet!
        I noticed a flock of bluejays in a nearby tree, so I have been putting out peanuts in addition to the usual collection of seeds, suet, nectar. So far, the bluejays haven’t visited, but it’s been fun watching the squirrels take them away and bury them. It’s been wonderful to have the nuthatches, chickadees, titmouses (titmice?) back to visiting us. We’re looking forward to the juncos. This year we’ve put out sugar water for hummingbirds as well; one week on and we already have at least one hummingbird visitor! Or maybe I should say guest to our buffet. 😉
        Best wishes to you on your recovery. I’m sending empathetic thoughts your way!

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