Fog Bound Birding

When I left the house before sunrise yesterday morning there were beautifully clear skies, but as the temperature dipped to 26F with calm winds ground fog appeared at my targeted wetlands. Although I could not see much, I felt able to hike without much pain for the first time since my bicycle crash. Thus, I headed off into the mist. Birds were few and far between at first (or at least I could not see them!). I could hear Sandhill Cranes and Trumpeter Swans calling through the mist.

It was a beautiful, eerie morning. I did not see another human, animal or bird during my foggy hike … at least till the fog lifted and I found these Canada Geese at a small pond.

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5 thoughts on “Fog Bound Birding

  1. Hi, Canada Geese People from Canada are Canadian. Small correction on type of geese–Love your work. Don

    1. Yes! I was down in the Cities over the weekend. Sherburne is a great place to hike right now. As of August 31st, there are no restrictions on areas where you may walk. I followed dirg roads that are normally prohibited from near the new learning center.

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