Backyard Birding Feeder Review

My long awaited bird feeder review is here! These feeders I heartily endorse, and will give my reasons. If you live in the Boreal Forest, using similar feeders will maximize your enjoyment. The links I provide are to Amazon. I receive zero compensation if you use these links. I just want to help you learn better what I am using and the estimated prices. Please feel free to comment on this post. What works for you? … why? … squirrel protection??

Bird Feeder Locations: Except for my platform feeder, all my other feeders are located within a few feet of cover. This makes the birds feel safer from predator attacks. My feeders hang from a wire with cable locks / anchors to secure desired locations.

Squirrels and Feeders: Squirrels (and chipmunks) are the bain of everyone who wants to feed birds. Just this morning my platform feeder was visited my a “nine pointer”. While all my defense mechanisms work its smaller cousins, I have no way of preventing this guy from enjoying his snacks at my expense.

Seriously, examine these additional images of my platform feeder. The key element is the “Slinky” and “Baffle”. The combination keeps the gray squirrels out of the feeder. Any pole mounted feeder may use the same defense mechanism. (Slinky YouTube video link for email subscribers). I had to add the baffle because my squirrels learned to climb up inside the Slinky. The combination has defeated them.

Hanging Feeders: I like the Brome feeders for their simplicity. The weight of a squirrel causes the metal grate to slide down and cover the feeding openings. It works perfectly. (Amazon link)

Suet Feeder #1: During the summer months, I use this Stokes 4 pack suet feeder. I only fill the top two compartments, and the bottom two work as a tail prop for large woodpeckers. I had discovered that any suet feeder made out of wood or composite material would be chewed through by my local gray squirrels in a few weeks. They have yet to defeat the metal! (Amazon link)

Suet Feeder #2: In the winter months once Yogi and Boo Boo are asleep, I offer real beef suet from my local butcher. This metal basket feeder works perfectly. Woodpeckers and soungbirds may get a perch, and squirrels are not able to get a bite! (Amazon link)

No images … not up yet. I don’t want to get beared!

Thistle Feeder: Winter finches love nyer seed. Squirrels are not able to deal with the small grate. Most any thistle feeder will work, but given the expense of Nyjer seed, one that minimizes spillage is nice. (Amazon link)

Additional Photos … all taken over the past few days of birds using either my feeders, or foraging under my feeders for spillage on the ground.

Want to see a failure of mine … my famous spinning Diet Coke bottles … guaranteed NOT to work against squirrels. From an old post … Da Squirrel Saga. (seven years ago!)

Red-Breasted Nuthatch, White-Breasted Nuthatch, Slate-Colored Junco, Black-Capped Chickadee, Fox Sparrow and Goldfinches (winter plumage)

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5 thoughts on “Backyard Birding Feeder Review

  1. Wishing you a speedy recovery. A tip that has worked well for me at my feeders is the use of 6 inch PVC. around the pole. Squirrels can however climb 4 inch. I also stay 10 feet away from trees or over hanging branches.

  2. What a wonderful and fabulous array of birds at the feeder! So good they are there visiting you and sending you healing vibes Rich. Thanks for sharing, amazingly beautiful.

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