Moving into Winter!

It was a tough morning birding today. Not much was happening as I made a swing through some my favorite haunts where owls will set up winter territories.  I made certain to check everything out in the pre-dawn light. After the sun came up I finally found a few Pine Grosbeaks “gritting up” including this male.

Up at Sax-Zim Bog the feeders are now up. In addition the ultimate suet is now at the Welcome Center and at most the boardwalks. We put up deer carcasses (from venison processors). Both the birds and small mammals lover same. While I am not allowed to put up a carcass in the woods near my own home (wife does not like the idea), I am allowed to offer real suet. Thus, I just purchased some meat suet which I will hang within the next few days. The bears should now be hibernating.

Gray Jay / Canada Jay enjoying a snack.

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2 thoughts on “Moving into Winter!

  1. Do the feeders have cameras on them or do you drive to them at the bog? I’ve never been there, guess I could Google it…

    1. Sorry Holly … no caneras at the feeders. In fact, for the first two winters I volunteered at the Bog, the Welcome Center (one room cabin and outhouse) did not have power. We now have solar arrays to provide limited power and some heat (LP gas) which is very much appreciated on days where if is -20F (or colder). The feeders at the boardwalks are even more remote. The wilderness is what makes the Bog special!

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