I’ll admit it, I am not a list person. While I will occasionally submit a birding list to eBird, this is not a normal activity for me, nor have I ever kept an annual list of sightings. However a few folks every year decide to have a Big Year. The goal is to see as many bird species possible in the United States and Canada. Steve Martin even starred in a movie based upon the book with the same name, The Big Year. Here is a clip from the movie (link for email subscribers)
While I don’t keep lists, today through Sunday (February 12 to 14) is the Great Backyard Birdcount sponsored by Audubon and eBird. Learn even more via the count’s web site. Over the next few days, thousands and thousands of birding lists from around the world … 15 minutes of sightings each … will be submitted. This data is then analyzed by the Cornell School of Ornithology and a better understanding is gained about how climate and habitat loss are affecting the bird population. Consider spending 15 minutes this weekend to help support this ongoing research. If you ask why, consider the “canary in a coal mine” scenario. These birds were kept down in coal mines. If the birds started to have trouble breathing the miners took notice (read article from the Smithsonian).
Here is my list from this morning … my own backyard. Thus, some lists are important! See the latest sightings from around the world.
Our cold snap continues. Every night the temperature drops to between -15F and -23F. During the day we don’t reach 0F. Right now it appears our cold snap will last for about 13 days. I am making occasional birding forays, but this weather encourages one to stay inside … too darn cold. Here is one of the cardinals that always visits my own feeders every morning. Photo taken about 10:00 am this morning.
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thanks for the reminder. it’s been a while since i’ve participated, but will do so this year.