Unexpected Birding Pleasures: Black Billed Magpies

This morning when I headed out birding I never expected such success. I was just happy the temperature was above zero … not by much (1F or -17C). Major heat wave! For the past two weeks every morning has -20F or worse. Thus, you should understand why I was so happy to be out birding in warm weather!

Given the bright sun and reflections off the snow, I felt it was foolish to look for Great Gray Owls. Instead I visited the crabapple farm. This old farm with all its fruit is a bird magnet in the winter. I did not understand how true this statement would prove to be, just not as expected. I also saw Bohemian Waxwings and Pine Grosbeaks at the farm.

I found four Black-Billed Magpies! If you examine the range map from the Cornell School of Ornithology, you will noted northeastern Minnesota is well out of the expected range. However, these birds have been extending their range east, and I occasionally see them a bit west of my home area in Sax-Zim Bog, but near Lake Superior???

The magpies were feeding on some kind of carcass. I will need to return when light is more favorable for photos (it was somewhat in front of me).

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2 thoughts on “Unexpected Birding Pleasures: Black Billed Magpies

  1. How exciting! And very interesting. Maybe I can add Black-billed Magpie to my list of birds that might turn up one day in my neighborhood in NW Wisconsin (my other top candidates are Tufted Titmouse, Great White Egret and Collared Dove). Having lived in Western Canada and in Britain, where magpies are common, I’d get a real kick out of seeing one here.

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