Bald Eagle Migration Day … Change in the Wind

Near the end of Mary Poppins – when the blue bird of happiness a-wing -there comes a shift in wind direction. This was important because Mary Poppins had agreed to stay only until the wind changes. With the weathervane’s spin, it is time to leave.

Birding is a bit like the Mary Poppins movie. This morning the winds blew strongly out of the south for one of the first times this late winter. When I went out birding this morning I saw numerous bald eagles migrating north on the south wind. This evening I will drive over to Superior, Wisconsin in search of Snowy Owls. The same strong winds which brings Bald Eagles back to the Northland, will drive the Snowys up to the Arctic. Today is a changeover day.

Bald Eagle taking off in the Canosia Wildlife Area.

3 thoughts on “Bald Eagle Migration Day … Change in the Wind

  1. You pictures are absolutely amazing and make me feel as tho I am there with you in that moment. Thank you for sharing.

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