Although it was 14F at sunrise this morning, there are starting to be signs of spring migration. With that thought in mind, both for myself, and everyone else I compiled a spreadsheet of bird sightings / locations using seven years of my data from the months of April and May. You may download your PDF copies (no cost) immediately below the sample rows. The migration PDF’s have active web links to the appropriate blog post and Google Maps location. Each document has 160 sightings.
- NE Minnesota Spring Bird Migration Sightings (PDF file sorted by date)
- NE Minnesota Spring Bird Migration Sightings (PDF file sorted by species)
Sample Content (first ten rows sorted by date)
Date | Bird Species | Location |
2-Apr | Fox Sparrow | Amity |
6-Apr | Common Magpie | Sax-Zim Bog |
6-Apr | Hooded Merganser | Sax-Zim Bog |
6-Apr | Trumpeter Swans | Sax-Zim Bog |
6-Apr | Western Meadowlark | Sax-Zim Bog |
9-Apr | Trumpeter Swans | MacQuarrie Wetlands |
9-Apr | Snow Bunting | Sand Lake Pine Forest |
9-Apr | Spruce Grouse | Sand Lake Pine Forest |
12-Apr | Rough-Legged Hawk | Sax-Zim Bog |
12-Apr | Snow Bunting | Sax-Zim Bog |
With that thought I visited some of my spring haunts this morning. Birds were scarce, but I did find a Red-Tailed Hawk couple establishing their territory, and a Ring-Billed Gull standing on the ice. Once we get a few warm days a few area ponds will start of have some open water (attracting early season ducks). Oh yes, I checked on my owl family this morning. The youngsters were well covered up by Mom given the cold weather.
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Thank you for making your bird migration by date data available to the rest of us! That was very thoughtful and generous of you!
Thank you for the migration lists, your data, enthusiasm and generosity!