Alarm Clock Birds!

Alarm Clock Bird!
My local Yellow-Bellied Sapsuckers arrived back up north two nights ago, and now without fail I can rely upon this bird to drum on the hollow tree bough outside my open bedroom window 30 minutes before sunrise. Given sunrise is now 6:15 am, my “alarm bird” sounds off at 5:45 am. Soon, the bird will want to awaken me earlier as we move towards the summer equinox.
There are three perfect drumming trees in my yard, and all the Hairy, Downy, Pileated and now Yellow-Bellied Sapsuckers are very much aware of that fact. My Yellow-Shafted Flickers also returned to the Northwoods a few days ago, but it has different tastes in drumming, and really prefers singing for a mate. Species #6 in my yard are “red-bellied woodpeckers”. Red does some occasionally drumming and singing.
Unless a dead tree threatens your home or another structure in your yard, do not cut them down. Dead trees are great habitat for many birds, not just woodpeckers.

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