Unbearably Good Birding: Black-Breasted Yogi

Birdcast says the bird migration is now great in northern Minnesota (see my post about how to use Birdcast), and it is! While eating lunch today, I thought … boy, that is a noisy squirrel! I checked the feeders and voila! It was the rare Black-Breasted Yogi. After a great lunch at “Chez Hoeg’s Bar and Grill” which has had fine dining for bears since 2011, I managed to get this photo of Yogi relaxing near my house after its meal.

In addition to Yogi, birding has been very good today. Some of the birds I’ve seen and photographed since sunrise when I started the day down at the Park Point Recreation Area.

Common Tern (just migrated in from points way down south Mexico or South America way)

Rose-Breasted Grosbeak

Pied-Billed Grebe

Blue-Winged Teal

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3 thoughts on “Unbearably Good Birding: Black-Breasted Yogi

  1. Oh, please tell me how close you were to that bear? Couple pairs of rose-breasted grosbeaks in our central WI yard. Sometimes they’re here through the summer.

  2. i’m smiling at the bird-bear and absolutely love that portrait! thanks for these beautiful images, rich. wow

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