My Paddle is Keen and Bright

Childhood memories of days long ago up here in the Northland …

How many of you without thinking sometimes burst into song … a song taught to you many, many years ago? For over 65 years I have been visiting the Chippewa National Forest wilderness near the Canadian border. As a young boy I learned to sing this song … My Paddles is Keen and Bright (YouTube song link for email subscribers). This morning I found myself unexpectedly singing the song:

Northstar Lake is magical. The waters flow north to Hudson’s Bay, and last night I heard both a pack of timber wolves howling at the moon, and the loons yodeling through the darkness.

Here are two photographs of Common Loons from Northstar Lake taken early this morning … wolfpack fishing and on the nest. Places like this require song.


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7 thoughts on “My Paddle is Keen and Bright

  1. This song brings back all my Girl Scout Camp memories! I too still sing it once in a while. Thanks for taking me there. I’d not known about wolf-pack fishing before either.

  2. just love this. i think music is vey powerful. and it would be such fun to hear you burst into sing!!!! all the birds would be perched and listening!

  3. I love that song! I learned it from my husband’s family while paddling down the Namekagon in Wisconsin. I’ll be singing it to myself all afternoon now.

  4. Curious as to whether you use a waterproof camera or camera housing while out birding-canoeing/kayaking.

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