Do Owls Sweat?

It is 91F in the shade this afternoon here in Duluth on the Fourth of July. The video demonstrates that owls do NOT have sweat glands and need to pant to cool off. You can see the feathers moving on the Great Horned Owl’s neck, and the bird’s mouth is open. (video link for email subscribers)
The owlet should fly 1/4 mile down to Lake Superior. Down at the lake there is a nice light NE breeze is keeping things cooler (just finished a bike ride before going out birding).

Here are some still images I also took this afternoon.

Finally, this is what I saw when I first found the Great Horned Owlet! There was only one robin clucking in alarm … just one bird. However I was convinced by the robin’s actions there was an owl or hawk in the nearby woods.

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