Merlin by Bicycle

Even though it reached 90F yesterday, I took a bike ride up the shore to the Talmedge River and back. As always I packed my camera and monopod (see my setup).  While I am not out strictly birding on my daily rides, one never knows what I will see along the shores of Lake Superior. Yesterday it was a juvenile Merlin who was screaming “feed me” to its parents. For those of you in Duluth, the location was 300 yards this side of the Northern Town Homes. There is a nice grove of pine trees and a small stream … good habitat for Merlins. I suspect over the next two weeks I will have more sightings as the youngsters scream for their breakfast or supper at the very tops of the pines.

In addition, here are a few more images from the past few days. Sightings of hawks are increasing as parents have hungry youngsters to feed. In general this is an excellent time for birding. Use your ears as recently fledged youngsters are screaming to be fed.

Broad-Winged Hawk (hunting)

Spotted Sandpiper

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3 thoughts on “Merlin by Bicycle

    1. The Sandpiper was at a local pond, not the pine grove. Sorry I did not make that fact clear.

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