Last night around 11:45 p.m. I woke up. In the distance I could hear the Amity Great Horned Owls begging for food. While wondering if the owlets would visit my yard, as they often do, I heard a bang/crash. Checking the downed feeders this morning, and the trail cam, Bert the Bear decided that I needed a visit from him last night, not just the owlets!
Trail Cam Photo Taken from Last Night (the feeder above the bear’s head only had moments to live!)

Sound Recording Taken from my Bedroom Window at 12:30 a.m. (Yes, the owls came to my yard. Video / Sound link for email subscribers (30 seconds in duration). All three owlets made their presence known. The loudest owlet I could see silhouetted on a white pine against the night sky)
Two more Trail Cam photographs. A close-up of a buck’s antlers still in velvet struck me as funny. The deer also came back during the day.

Just in case you thought I had forgotten how to use my own camera to photograph birds, here are two pics from the past two days … one of a Common Loon and chick at my cabin, and the proud Red-Headed Woodpecker parents. Even more exciting, Duluth now has two confirmed Red-Headed Woodpecker nest after never having nary a one!
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Apparently the drought here in Minnesota is affecting the both the berry crop and other natural foods which is leading to earlier and more frequent bear raids.
we hd a bear in the back yard on tuesday night. s/he climbed a ladder to get to the bird feeders!!!!!
Love those Redheads.