Just when I think all birds are fledged, with the bug birds well into their migration, I get fooled. Earlier today I met the Cardinal twins. These youngsters obviously fledged just within the past day or two … quite late on August 27th. I have to wonder if this is a second nesting for my local cardinals, or if the first nest failed. Regardless, August 27th is very late.
The other excitement today was a large flock of Cedar Waxwings enjoying my Mountain Ash Tree berries, or at least they will until a Coopers Hawk snagged one. My yard was bird free for a quite a while after that point, and I did see the hawk again about one hour later.
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beautiful pictures. our baby cardinals are at the feeders now. and cedar waxwings were at our mt. ash- even before the berries were ripe this year.
thank you as always for sharing our precious birds. these are especially sweet