Simply Superior: Great Gray Owls

Had a great time watching two Great Gray Owls this morning and then was treated to listening all about these fantastic birds and more via Wisconsin Public Radio while driving home to Duluth.
Yup, Ben Yokel (board member of the Friends of Sax-Zim Bog) and Dudley Edmonson (another well known NE Minnesota area birder) were interviewed on Simply Superior.
Also called out in the show by name were Frank Nicoletti for his great help in being a mentor and teaching many of us, including me, a lot about birds. The final person mentioned by name was Ryan Brady with the Wisconsin DNR. Ryan lives over near Bayfield and apparently has an amazing bird bath set-up.
I am proud to know all four of these people. Perhaps someday I will also be famous like them!!!

As a fyi, this is a great time of year to see owls in the Bog. The youngsters / juveniles now have to fend \ hunt for themselves, and they are not yet proficient. This tends to mean the young owls are often out hunting after sunrise. One still should arrive by sunrise, and avoid windy and/or wet days.

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