Poor Richard’s Almanac: Snow Soon!

Sorry folks, but winter is coming soon to the Northland! One way I measure how soon snow will be in our future is when Snow Buntings arrive from the tundra near the Arctic Ocean. While I have seen other birds this fall that may have nested that far north, those birds also use more southern habitat in Canada. Snow Buntings are truly a very northern bird. Get those shovels ready. (range map courtesy of the Cornell School of Ornithology)
My apologies to Ben Franklin and his “Poor Richard’s Almanac“, however I am named “Richard” and my birds help me predict the seasons. There will be snow soon!
I also had a lifer for me at Forest Hill Cemetery yesterday afternoon. I decided to see if the Soras were still around (there were), and spied a Swamp Sparrow. Like the Soras, Swamp Sparrows like to hide out in the reeds. This individual gave me nice views.

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2 thoughts on “Poor Richard’s Almanac: Snow Soon!

  1. I love your postings, they are better than Audubon. Your photos are beautiful and your writing is clear and right on. THANK YOU!

    1. Thanks Phoebe! I try to make my web site more than just about the photography, and have useful information about birding … occasionally other study too!

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