Bog Fog Magic: Great Gray Owl times 2!

The Great Gray Owls outnumbered the humans shortly after sunrise this morning in Sax-Zim Bog Fog!

For twenty minutes … all by myself …  I watched two Great Gray Owl juveniles hunt, and occasionally take a dive at one another. This magical time in the fog ended when a darn crow invaded our domain. The crow scared both owls into the woods, and then there was one lone human on a remote road. Darn!

Two Owls in the Same Photograph!

Juvenile Great Gray Owl #1

Juvenile Great Gray Owl #2 (on the other side of the dirt road … 25 yards away)

It was actually a three Great Gray Owl morning, but pics of that bird and other Bog favorites will get their own post. Oh yes, my own juvenile Great Horned Owls were calling to me as I left home in the pre-dawn inky black darkness. I suspect they were begging for a handout from Mom or Dad, but I like to think they were saying hello to me. I saw two of the juveniles during a pre-dawn hike yesterday morning. I just followed my ear and used a flashlight to insure I would not trip on deadfall.

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