We have entered the time of the year when the “Golden Hour” never ends. As long as the sun has risen for the day, the harsh overhead light of mid summer is gone. In fact, as I enter this post at 12:30 pm, the sun is at its zenith here in the Northland … 20% above the horizon. (Golden Hour is a term photographers use to define perfect light … normally in points south the hour after sunrise and before sunset).
Photography presents other challenges in the winter including staying warm, and dealing with the harsh reflective glare of brilliant white snow. Yesterday up in Sax-Zim Bog it was a balmy 11F, which actually is warm compared to mid winter temperatures in our future.
This morning I took an early season tour looking for Snowy Owls throughout Superior, Wisconsin. While Snowy did not appear, I enjoyed time out on Wisconsin Point, and finding this Rough Legged Hawk at the Superior Middle School. While I prefer the perches I find outside of town, this hawk has learned to be “people tolerant”.
Wisconsin Point / Superior Entry Lighthouse
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wow- looking right at the camera! thank you for sharing