Yup … I’m off to explore The Big Bog and a small portion of the Great Plains! Most birders know of Sax-Zim Bog near Duluth, but did you know Sax-Zim pales by comparison to the Big Bog?! The DNR park linked is a miniscule portion of the Big Bog. This bog is the largest in the Lower 48 and is extremely remote. I will stay two nights with my brother on Deer Lake and one night up in Roseau. The advance forecast is for frigid weather, but moderate winds (hope the winds actually calm down as forecast). Four years ago when I last birded this area I actually found a Northern Hawk Owl couple, including their nest. I made repeated trips back to await the owlets, but their nest ultimately failed (bummer). However it was super cool to see Hawk Owls in May! Wish me luck! I have no eBird reports, Facebook posts or texting groups to use for advance information. My birding is based upon having learned about birding habitat over the years, and Google Maps satellite mode planning.
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safe and successful trip to the bog! we’ll be thinking of you
Safe travels! Hope you find them!