The temperature fell to 6F last night, on March 27th! The net result was many of the channels which the US Coast Guard cleared with their cutters yesterday, refroze overnight. When this morning dawned bright, sunny and cold I drove down to the Duluth Harbor and found these two Goldeneyes courting. If you find open water this year, you will find migration ducks and geese. This was near the High Bridge.
In these three images the male is swimming away, and I think exclaiming … “She loves me!“
In the video, I think another male was being given a clear message … not this morning, honey! (video link for email subscribers)
Here are the links promised at yesterday’s Sapsuucker Farms Owl Presentation. Remember to get a free Cornell eBird account.
- Great Horned Owl Sightings Map
- Use date drop down!
- “X” out “Great Horned Owl and search for other species
- Hennepin County Current Bird Sightings
- Use “Minnesota Link” near top of page to select other counties
- Merlin Sound ID (my blog post with annotated screenshots & explanations)
- Merlin Photo ID (my blog post with annotated screenshots & explanations)
- Remember, Merlin as a free app from Cornell University!
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