I am sure many of you have visited the Louvre Museum in Paris, and its famous art museum. However, have you visited the Loo-vre? The Loo-vre is another famous art museum located in the Sax-Zim Bog wilderness of northern Minnesota. Better yet, this museum allows you to leave a trophy as it is one of the only outhouses for miles and miles around! Words to not do justice to the Loo-vre. Here are photographs from yesterday morning (located at the Sax-Zim Bog Welcome Center). Remember, while you may be able to see the Mona Lisa at the Louvre, you will be able to see Mona Moosey at the Loo-vre!
The Loo-vre Art Museum / Outhouse
Oh yes … many of the summer birds are back (Sandhill Crane, Black-Billed Magpie, Eastern Kingbird)
Your daily Great Horned Owlet photo (all is fine at the nest)
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That is the only outhouse I have ever seen that has pictures on its walls and over the years of birding and camping I have visited plenty of outhouses. First class!
It is a gem in many ways!