Give some thought to where you like to go birding. Does the location provide the opportunity to utilize “natural blinds”? One such location in northeastern Minnesota on the edge of Duluth is the mouth of the Lester River. Many birders stop at the waysides that look out over Lake Superior, but opportunity awaits for those who go a tiny bit inland. From the NorthShore Information booth, take the Lakewalk Tunnel to safely cross under Minnesota Highway 61. Shortly upon exiting the tunnel at the top of the hill you may either descend some stairs into the ravine and hike upstream along the river (using many trees to hide behind), or just walk next to the ravine’s edge (be careful … it’s a long killing fall).
I used both opportunities around noon today to watch this Common Merganser fish. The current is still super fast from runoff, and the birds (and other wildlife) are still not numerous (slower water = easier food opportunities). In fact, it’s now June 1st and I’m not certain if there has been a decent steelhead or smelt run.
Fish for Lunch: Common Merganser
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