Pileated Woodpecker Drumming (video)

Thanks to having three “drumming trees” in my yard, over the years I have learned to identify my local woodpeckers by their “drumming sound” … . Pileated Woodpecker yesterday evening letting my wife and I know who really owns our yard!

Unless a dead tree threatens your house, leave it be! You will be rewarded. (video link for email subscribers … Pileated Woodpecker drumming)

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4 thoughts on “Pileated Woodpecker Drumming (video)

  1. I was wondering which woodpecker pecks at night? I can not get a clear answer. Also what time do they start pecking and when do they stop? I have one that is far away from me but the drumming is so loud I thought it was construction workers working at night.

    1. Most woodpecker will not drum at night. However, in the spring as they claim mating territories woodpeckers will start drumming before dawn. At our own house given clear skies I have Yellow-Bellied Sapsuckers start drumming up to 30 minutes before sunrise.