It is a great time of year to take a ride in the countryside. In fact, here in northern Minnesota the forecast for Monday morning (tomorrow) is most excellent … cool, clear and calm winds. Get out shortly after sunrise and you will get to enjoy a wildflower bonanza is perfect light. I plan on visiting some favorite birding bog habitat up near the Canadian border. Birds are very busy feeding their young, and many species have already fledged.
While in Sax-Zim Bog yesterday morning I came across a bunch of Harlequin Blueflags on McDavitt Road. A great tool for easily getting a successful ID of your wildflowers may be found via “WildflowerSearch.Org“. Make certain you enter your location and date.
In addition this year’s Thanksgiving dinner was hanging out in a tree. The young wild turkeys could not be more than a week old, but they could already fly.
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