What? Me Worry? (famous words of Alfred E. Newman … Mad Magazine). Yesterday afternoon with thanks to my local Blue Jays, I easily found one of the two Great Horned Owlets, but although being harrassed, the owl did not seem overly concerned. In fact, after a crow attack dies down an owl almost always seems to move to a new hiding spot (my experience), with Blue Jays the owl could not care less! It slept!
Blue Jays helping me find the Owl (video link for email subscribers)
A few more images from yesterday afternoon. I very much enjoyed seeing an owl during the main part of the day!
Once evening rolled around I spent time scoping out some new bog habitat near Duluth (not Sax-Zim Bog). Judging by the number of birds I saw, the area looks very promising! During the Summer months I like to explore new areas for repeat visits during the prime raptor viewing season each Fall.
Red-Tailed Hawk in the Wawina Bog
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