Egrets, Herons and Fish … Oh My!

Molly and I are down in the Twin Cities for a wedding and dinner with friends. This morning at sunrise I took time to visit a bunch of birding locations in the NW burbs. My final stop was what I call the Plymouth Wetlands, but which has the official name of Three Ponds Park. One reason I love this park is it has a ton of undeveloped land with narrow dirt trails. For the person willing to then go “off trail” there are lots of great places for both watching birds, but also where one is able to easily hide from our feathered friends. Such was the case this morning when I watched Great Egrets and Green Herons in search of their breakfast. (video link for email subscribers of a Great Egret catching breakfast snacks)

Great Egrets

The Strike and Recovery (less than one second)

Green Herons

The Take-Off

Juvenile Wood Ducks & Great Egret Fishing Video

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