Old Vermilion is back! Long time readers (and skiers) know that I used to maintain Nordic Ski Trails in the woods on public land a bit north of Duluth. The last two winters were lost due to my health, but I am back with a vengeance and therefore so is Old Vermilion! Sunday I walked the trail with my bow saw and cleared downed trees from two years worth of weather. I may bring back a bird feeder or two, but no promises. The new location for public feeders at French River Lutheran Church is much easier to maintain, and right on the migration path up and down the shore. I even had supervision on Sunday afternoon to insure I did my trail clearing properly!
For those of you who don’t know about my heart problem that almost killed me two years ago, here is my story as told by CBS-3. I’m back to trail running!
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just love your supervisor!! thanks for all your work! and for sharing this beauty