Snow Birds Out, Arctic Birds In!

The town of Two Harbors closed their RV Campground for the season two days ago … The Snowbirds moved out (humans heading south) and the Arctic Birds moved in (migrating Snow Geese, Lapland Longspurs and Snow Buntings). The campground has plenty of food sources, and the birds were just waiting for the pesky humans to leave!

Actually the campground and Two Harbors Information Center have one other benefit for bird watchers … they are right smack dab on a migration barrier. In other words as birds migrate south along the North Shore of Lake Superior, they fly into points which stick out into the lake. Good birding. Take a look at my annotated screenshot.

Here are a few images taken yesterday afternoon. In total I found 10 Snow Geese, which is a HUGE number of these birds to find along Lake Superior. One would see 1,000’s during migration 600 miles to my west.

Snow Goose Altercation / Fight!

More Snow Geese (notice the different morphs / coloration)

Lapland Longspur Watching Out for Merlins

Finding Seeds in a Parking Lot’s Pavement

First Snow Bunting of the Season!

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3 thoughts on “Snow Birds Out, Arctic Birds In!

  1. Also check out the Golf Course now, which is basically across Scenic 61 from the Information Center. I’m not sure if the course is closed for the year, but with all the cold days not much golf is being played, and the geese are now often hanging out near the ponds.

  2. Thank you for noting the Snow Geese color differences. I have not had the opportunity to see the morphing process! Mary

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