Ash Seeds Served!

Unlike last winter, there is a bumper crops of mountain ash berries, pygmy crab apples and ash tree seeds. Pine Grosbeaks are around the Northland in significant numbers, but not visiting feeders much due to all the natural food. I find the best time of day to find lots of Pine Grosbeaks is around “9 ish” in the morning. Both the Grosbeaks and Common Redpolls will “grit up”, and then you can inspect what is on the menu that morning. I saw these birds two mornings ago.

Pine Grosbeak Eating Ash Seeds

Bohemian Waxwings on Nichols Lake Road

Ruffed Grouse

Pine Grosbeak Eating Ash Seeds (video link for email subscribers)

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2 thoughts on “Ash Seeds Served!

  1. Wish I had an Ash Tree…..would love to see a Bohemian, we never have them, seldom a Cedar Waxwing, I assume neither cares for our heavy oak woodlot.
    Beautiful photos Richard.

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