Birding 365!

It’s hard to believe this first day of February finds me ten years into providing my web service for the birding community. In addition, you will find nary an advertisement on this site. My knowledge, good or bad, is a gift to you. Regardless, 10 years is a long time and I realized additional organizational work was required to make using 365 Days of Birds easier. Thank you for your over 500k of page views over the years.

This post reviews my web site’s services section by section …

Tags: Extensively reworked. Every tag that is a birding location now has a state or country aspect therein. On a PC, the tags appear in the right column and by hovering over an individual tag with your mouse you may discover the number of entries w/o clicking. In addition there are special tags such as: Bicycle Birding, Birding Know How, Northern Lights, etc. While browsing this web site via a mobile device, the tags will appear in various locations depending upon your screen size.

Main Menu: Easily find really important stuff. Whether on a mobile device or PC this menu appears on every web page or blog post.

  • Home: Always takes you back to the root page or home.
  • About Rich Hoeg: The subject of this section should be obvious!
  • Birding KnowHow & Evals: An index of blog posts on birding knowledge and reviews
  • Free Owl Books: I am a children’s book author, and I give away PDF downloads of my books. Follow this link to learn more about my local owl family and their book.
  • Mn Birding Locations: I have my favorite birding spots in Northeastern Minnesota. This web pages has descriptions of those locations and Google Maps links. There is a free PDF download available for this page.
  • Northern Lights: Northern Minnesota is one the best locations to watch the Aurora Borealis in the Continental 48. Learn more about this super sight!
  • Subscribe: This link will allow you to subscribe to my blog posts via email or RSS.

Search Engine: I built a custom search engine using Google for this site. Search for content or images. Location varies based upon the mobile device or PC which you utilize for browsing. Will always be in a margin area, not embedded in a page or post content.

Archive: Ten years is a long time … and a lot of posts and pages. Pull up any month over the past ten years. If you are visiting the Northland this can be helpful as it will tell you what I was birding during that point of the year. I use this section myself, often pulling up months from multiple years (three Octobers for instance) to remind myself what good birding is coming up on the calendar.

Remember Snoopy’s Happy Dance? This Common Loon is happy with 365 Days of Birds! I hope you find the site / service valuable.

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6 thoughts on “Birding 365!

  1. Happy Big 10 Rich! It’s so wonderful to be able to follow along with your passion for birding and the time and effort on the website is brilliant and very appreciated! Thank you!

  2. Happy 10th Anniversary!! Thank you for your expert knowledge and thoughtfulness! I read your daily blog…well daily! I really enjoy it!! Thanks again.
    Kathy Brown

  3. What an insightful comment by Gretchen. Thank you!
    I too love this website. I am not much of a techie, but vicarious enjoyment, consistently presented information, and such amazing photos make every visit worthwhile. Plus the kids’ books are such a lovely gift to share.
    Here’s to another 10 years. Best to Mollie for hanging in there as well.

  4. Thank you so much! We so enjoy your photos and observations, especially northland birds and nature. At 86 and 89 years, most of our birding is done from our home. We look forward every day to 365 Days of Birds!