Surfing the Arctic Riviera at Stony Point

The Arctic Riviera lived up to its name this morning! I was actually out birding between Duluth and Two Harbors along Scenic 61 looking for Bohemian Waxwings in fruit trees when a raft of surfers caught my attention. By northern Minnesota standards it was a great morning … crystal clear and sunny with zero wind (temperature was -6F). The surfers were enjoying the rolling waves at Stony Point which resulted from yesterday’s winter storm. Yup, there is a dedicated group of individuals who surf the Great Lakes, braving Lake Superior’s 36F degree water.

While I was photographing the surfers, a gentleman came over to my car. He asked if he might photograph me while I was photographing the surfers! Turns out there was a team of two folks (writer and photographer) doing a story for the Wall Street Journal! Yup, our Arctic Riviera reputation is getting around the United States.

Surf City USA on the Arctic Riviera (at Stony Point)

The Movie (link for email subscribers)

Two still images … photography was difficult due to the angle of the sun.

In case you missed my other Arctic Riviera post this week, here is just one of my images from that post which I named Arctic Mound Snowy Owl Take-Off. The State of Minnesota is using this Snowy Owl photo from my post for their official tourism site.

That’s it for today, and so long from the Arctic Riviera!

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3 thoughts on “Surfing the Arctic Riviera at Stony Point

    1. No guarantee I’ll be in the article. Photographers take many, many pictures to tell a story, but only use a few! Digital cameras have changed the equation. I should know!

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