Great Horned Owls in a Snowstorm

These images were taken 18 hours apart …

These first two photos were taken just as our storm was starting up yesterday afternoon.

The final two images of my Great Horned Owl couple were taken around 9 am this morning. Our storm is definitely still in progress … about 10 inches of snow has fallen so far and the winds gusted to 48 mph last night according to the weather service. Neither Momma or Poppa Owl look to happy.

Finally, here is a pic of my own road as I started out on my owl hike this morning. You may notice that there are no car tracks in the road this morning. The snow was falling at a rate of 7/10 of an inch per hour while I was out on my hike.

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2 thoughts on “Great Horned Owls in a Snowstorm

  1. Thanks for the photos Rich. Glad to see that the great horned owls are nesting once again in the park. Going to have to be on the lookout. Tremendous storm by the lake. Amazing that the seagulls seem to fly straight into these brutal winds and seem to enjoy it. Crazy! Thanks again.

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