Birding the Costa Rica Rainforest Highlands: La Carolina Lodge Finale!

This is my final post about our stay at La Carolina Lodge up in the Rainforest Highlands of Costa Rica. This is a most excellent eco-lodge, which will help you get off the grid and relax. Sorry if this post seems like a “data dump”, but even with restricting images to just one per bird species, I saw some amazing feathered friends. Visiting in April means many birds are busy “courting their prospective mates”.

Before the birds, more about our lodge. If you want fancy … air conditioning with wifi plus TV’s go elsewhere. Our basic cabin was open to the mountain stream below our deck. In the image of Molly reading she is NOT online. We both downloaded books to our tablets before visiting. However, if you want to experience life at a slower pace which is immersed in nature, La Carolina Lodge is for you! All our meals were family style, and the lodge raises / grows 80% or more of what we ate. Our all inclusive cash price (credit card price is higher) for our cabin including 3 nights and 9 meals for two adults was $690 in April of 2023. The staff is super friendly.

Molly Reading on our Cabin Deck

The View of the Eating Area (open area structure at the top is my next image)

Happy Hour View of the Stream from the Lounge / Eating Area (alcohol is not available, but you are allowed to bring your own … of course for us, Chardonnay!)

And now the remaining birds … (in alphabetical order)

Black Vulture

Black-Cheeked Woodpecker

Blue Gray Tanager

Clay Colored Thrush

Crested Guan

Green Honeycreeper

Montezuma Oropendola

Palm Tanager

Red-Legged Honeycreeper

Red-Lored Parrot

Ruddy Ground Dove

Russet-Naped Wood Rail

Scarlet-Rumped Tanager

Streak Backed Oriole

White-Whiskered Puff Bird

Yellow Green Vireo

Yellow-Throated Euphonia


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6 thoughts on “Birding the Costa Rica Rainforest Highlands: La Carolina Lodge Finale!

  1. Great photos of a bunch of classic CR birds! Is your Canon SX70 your camera of choice for these photos? Great detail. Thanks

    1. For my first two posts from Costa Rica of the Toucans, I was using my Sony A6300 because I was able to sit in a natural blind (in the rain). However for most of the other days which we sunny, I am using the SX70. It does well in bright light assuming I am able to get the sun behind me for the photographs. My post process is very limited … some minor lighting edits and crops, but I do run every image I want to keep through Topaz Sharpen AI (setting: blurry very blurry). Please note the images which I run through Topaz are “not” blurry, but Topaz definitely helps with the detail.

  2. It has been fun to share your travels! Your bird photos are wonderful, and the lodge looks like a lovely and interesting place to stay. Thanks for sharing!

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