Blast to the Past at Playa Hermosa

The entire region was scheduled for a power outage today which was scheduled to last from 8 am to 4:30 pm. The power cut-off came as scheduled and given the 95+ heat and humidity Molly and I decided on a 70 minute drive to visit a beach where we had vacationed 23 years ago (AC in the car). Upon arriving we discovered two things:

  1. The Power was also out this far away
  2. There was one small grocery store and beachfront restaurant with backup generators.

The grocery store provided me my Diet Coke fix (I need caffeine as much as you coffee drinkers)! The beachfront restaurant allowed Molly and I to trip down memory lane, and to just hang for hours over lunch a a drink, including beach walks.

We are now back at Las Catalinas and the power has returned. I am hanging out just below the AC vent! Over the past few days I have gone out birding about 6 am here at Las Catalinas. This allows me to bird before the heat and while the birds are active. Sunrise is at 5:20 am, but given the high hills to our east the golden orb does not start to show itself till 6:20 am.

Some Las Catalinas Birds … in alpha order

Black Vulture

Brown Crested Flycatcher

Gray-Breasted Martin

Great Kiskadee

Hoffmann’s Woodpecker

Orange-Fronted Parakeet

Ruddy Ground Dove

Rufous Naped Wren

Tropical Kingbird

Tropical Mocking Bird

White-Lored Gnatcatcher

White-Throated Magpie Jay

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